
Friday, July 29, 2016

Safe in their beds....

One of the hardest things about parenting for me has been knowing when to step back and let go. It's especially hard with a kid whose needs and development are different. Is he ready to cross the street? Walk alone to a friend's house? Use the stove?

Each little decision feels dangerous and life changing. But we can't live from a place of fear. And the joy my son experiences when he pushes past his own anxiety to be independent and try something new expands my heart to breaking.

It is bittersweet, this growing up. A process of moving away and letting go that brings both a sense of loss and a sense of great accomplishment.

Creating confident and capable adults is a sacred trust for us as parents. But one that comes at the expense of making our hearts vulnerable. I love watching my "babies" grow up. But a part of me will always long for baby toes, baby smiles and sleeping angels, safe in their beds where no harm can come to them.